Looking back over the past twenty years, it’s easy to note how the most successful businesses have been those who have looked forward with an inherently “virtual” vision for their innermost systems.
Even at a time when operational costs for technology that we now take for granted were considerably higher, the most forward-thinking managerial professionals were moving towards cloud-based business models. What these individuals shared was a vision of working online bred from a clear understanding of how this would facilitate systems that connected people.
Since the internet boom of nineties, processes that have taken advantage of this technology have put businesses ahead and empowered them to have a virtual advantage over their competitors. Because of the potential they represent in relations to cutting overheads while simultaneously improving rates of productivity, cloud based technology has become the future, today.
As technology has advanced, in many ways, current companies have had no choice but to become cloud-based to a certain extent - the expectations surrounding levels of communication have grown immensely. However, there is always room for improvement when it comes to processes that focus on organisation and productivity.
- Cloud based technology that supports your current processes
Many companies are now moving their processes to the cloud in order to save themselves a significant portion of money. For big office-based businesses this has come in the form of limiting the amount of capital needed to be spent on IT infrastructure and significantly cutting energy bills as a result.
For community-focussed industries, such as casinos and hospitality, money has been saved by dramatically enhancing productivity. Using cloud-based workforce management has helped remove the difficulty from juggling complicated shift patterns while also improving staff satisfaction by empowering a renewed look at work-life balances.
Employees feel valued when their shift preferences are taken into account. By managing rotas on the cloud hospitality businesses can save money by improving their retention rate, minimising the need for constant recruitment as much as feasibly possible and thus cutting down on the need for baseline training. This way the potential for future growth can be taken into account as more and more employees are content to remain long enough to develop in their roles.
- Cloud based technology has become infinitely more user friendly
The main thing that has limited smaller businesses from embracing cloud-based tech has been the investment needed in learning how these technologies actually work. However, these models are now far simpler than they ever were and needn’t be reserved for a certain “trendy” subsection of businesses.
Smart Rota simply simplifies the process of building rotas for everybody. It’s that simple.
It is cloud-based technology that gives those in the casino and hospitality industry the opportunity to unlock a more productive way of doing business which will help save them money. It gives supervisors way more time by simplifying the process of building rotas where staff of different skill levels are required, limiting unforeseen clashes and empowering employees.
In short, move your rota-ing to the cloud and you could save yourself a heap of hassle - and cash.